Jan 4, 2012

January 4, 2012

This resolution is actually much harder than it seems...I'm so tired!! haha. I just finished painting some basketball shirts for Danny's team that will be playing in our church basketball tournament this coming Saturday. Although I'm sure most of the guys on the team won't even understand or appreciate the time it took to paint the numbers on the shirt, I'm just glad that I could support Danny and his team somehow.

As I was painting, and during the end stretch, as my back and neck started to hurt from crouching over the shirts, I was reminded of all the projects I had to do while in school. I then remembered a particular project in which I had proposed to bite off more than I could chew...I had proposed to gather over 1000 responses to a question and to present them as an installation. I would've never been able to accomplish that (especially because I procrastinated) had it not been for Danny taking a half day at work, coming to my school, and running around asking 500+ students to help with my project. :) ...so if I compare painting these shirts to that, it's just a small thing I can do for him in return for the countless times he's helped me and supported me with things that I do. I'm grateful and lucky to have a man so willing to help and support me, and I hope to be thankful always, and serve with a glad heart.

"1,000+ Things to Forget..."

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