So I've fallen behind on my blogging again. Hopefully I'll be better; in the meanwhile, here's my post on work life.
In a nutshell, it's busy. It's a small company so I have to wear many hats. People ask me, "So what do you do?" And the best answer I can give them is "Design." But then they always respond with, "Oooh, what kind of design? Graphic? Interior?" To which I hesitate and answer "Pretty much everything. We help start-up businesses, so I do everything they need."
But on top of all the busy-ness of work, we just moved offices, making the past week that much busier. Thanksgiving break? No way! I had Thursday off, and was in the office moving Friday, Saturday, and even Sunday! But it was fun, and all worth while...especially since I got my own office. SCORE! Aside from all the people that are high up there, I'm the only one that ended up with my own office. Pictures below provided courtesy of my iPhone. :)
Notice the down-feather jacket which I must wear to work to fend myself from the cold.
Here's the view outside my window. It was raining yesterday morning.
On a not so great note, my daily eating out with co-workers and clients have brought about much excess weight. According to the new scale Danny bought me last night, it has brought me near 10 lbs of excess weight. 10 lbs!! ABSURD! But not really. I saw it coming--to the point that I felt so gross I joined a small gym near my house. So I am officially on a diet...though everyone that knows me knows that this does not mean eating 5 carrot sticks a day. I eat. Just healthier, and earlier. Of course it is of no help that as I write this at 10:54 AM, I am hungrily craving Sergio's Carne Asada Fries. -_-
Anyway, long post as usual. I hope to return to write soon and I hope to return a few lbs closer to my original size.