So as Jenny pointed out, I've been neglecting my blog here's my update :)
Happy, Jenny?
First things first, my website's finally up! Although, there are a few changes and additions that I plan to make within the coming days. If you haven't seen it yet, click on the screenshot below, or simply type in :)
For those that don't know, I've moved out of my apartment and into my co-worker's house where I sublet a nice little room. It's different living with two other girls after having lived by myself for over a year, but I think the change is nice and was much needed. It's such a dumb thing to have to keep reminding myself, but I do..."God made me to be a part of a community."
Mm, what else? The weather's been beautiful the past couple days and although the frequency of the earthquakes recently did give me a bit of a scare, I'm back to enjoying socal and all the nice little things it has to offer. I'm loving the sunlight that fills my room and wakes me up each morning :)
As for sleeping early, I can't say I'm doing that just yet, but I do try to wake up early no matter what time I went to sleep the night before. So far it's been a steady goodmorning world between 9 and 10.
So the past Sunday I was in sd and decided to go to Lighthouse Bible Church in Sorrento Valley. The service was good, but I'm not here to review and rate churches, but simply to share something that I learned. Towards the end of the message, Pastor John spoke on God's sovereign hand and some important key points to remember. (You know, the questions of "Well if God's all-powerful, why doesn't He save everyone?" And, "If He then has chosen to not save those that do not believe, then is that fair?") Of the four things he told us about God's sovereignty, there was one that stood out to me because I had never heard it said before.
His sovereignty is a cause for hope. His sovereign and holy judgment/condemnation/choosing is not reason for us to complain about his "fairness," but is a reason for hope. It allows us to petition and intercede for others. It gives us a reason to pray. If not so, then we place man's free-choice above God's power and really, no reason at all to pray because what's the point then, right?
I hope I'm writing this right; it's a concept that can be simple and yet with a slight change in direction seem to cause much contradiction. But it was something that had never occurred to me, and something that made me smile inside. As I am writing this, I realized that maybe there are some people reading this that might be wondering about the questions that are in the parenthesis. The question regarding God's fairness, and so just in case, I'll take the time to say that what would BE fair is for all of us to go to hell, unsaved. It is by the grace and goodness of His love and Christ's death on the cross that we are able to look to heaven. To borrow the words of Pastor John "it is a holy condemnation of a guilty people who are doing what they choose to do...not a capricious, manipulative random election." Hope these few sentences have helped to answer the questions that might have been floating in your head. If not, or if there are more unanswered questions, I would love to say, "ask me!" but unfortunately, I probably will have to ask someone else also. So I say find someone preferably a respected pastor or leader--someone with sound biblical knowledge and wisdom. Or, you can ask me and I'll ask for you. :)
Goodness, this is a long post. I guess this is what happens when I fail to write consistently.
For everyone who has read up to now, thanks for your interest in my thoughts and my life. haha... and if you're going to be in the LA area next weekend, and don't have much to do, I say...go check out
UNIQUE LA. (It's what seems to be an awesome local artist vendor fair extravaganza) I've been wanting to go to one of their events ever since their beginning, but for some reason always fail to be in the area. For this particular event, I'll be on the other side of the country. But, if you have not much planned, go and tell me how it is! Oh, and presents are much welcomed :)
Here are a few pictures, maybe it'll convince you to go.

never will have to do :)
Anyway, that's all for tonight.
Hopefully I'll update more often.